Registration Fees

Foreigner Participant (with paper): 300$ (Plus 50$ after 15 Nov. 2022)
Foreigner Participant (Online): 200$ (Plus 50$ after 15 Nov. 2022)
Egyptian Participant (with paper): 1500 LE (Plus 100 LE. after 15 Nov. 2022)
Egyptian Participant (Online or without paper): 800 LE (Plus 100 LE. after 15 Nov. 2022)
• Cheques are to be made payable for the account of “the 3rd international conference on math- ematics, statistics& information technology".
• Payment can also be made in cash at the registration desk during the conference.
• Faculty of Science bank account number: (9 / 190 / 44777 / 8)
• Faculty of Science official number: (30500102)
• The fees for registered participants don’t include accommodation.